Food Friday!

Hey Gang!

Long week? Well relax, it’s Friday! Go and enjoy the spring weather. If your in the NYC metro area, keep warm haha. Weird weather! People had skirts on last Saturday. All week has been warm jackets. haha.

Today’s post is about food! Cooking is good for the soul. I went in the fridge and found whatever I laid my eyes on and made a decent meal. I never cook eggplants but I wanted to give it a try. I diced and mashed up some garlic and parsley, added some salt a pepper and managed to get a good sear on them. Then split open some maple sausage and seared that up too. Added a spring salad and fiber toast and then it was done. Check it out!

ohhh, let me know if you think I should start a food blog.  Enjoy your weekend guys and gals!

The Spring “Hook-Up” Snack

plate 1


  • One Half of an Eggplant
  • Slices of Sausage
  • Spring Salad
  • Slices of Toasted Bread

Someone Smells Sausage haha


Life Changes Like Seasons


Pets are human kind’s best friend; whether it is a dog, cat, lizard, shark or goldfish. They brighten the mood of the family members even on a somber day. They get to live the life; no rent, free food and shelter–the life. If I was a pet, I would be a pet wolf.

Sorry to say that this past has been a very melancholy weekend for our family. Our kitten of only a couple months fell to deep painful depression and as of this morning, pasted on. Farewell our beloved kitten, you held down the fort while you could and you will be missed. Here are some photos from instagram. Pets are great blessings.




City Love

From Newark to New York, there is always people, places and things to love. From the vibrant tiles to the oriental chinese culture, you will always find things to love. My favorite was being around Washington Square, just chilling and eating my spicey hot Chicken Falafel pocket sandwich enjoying the views: smooth dogs, street performers, complex structures–joy. A day in the city with beautiful weather, is always a blessing. Enjoy the pictures, go to my tumblr and stay tuned for more.