Branch Brook Park – Newark, NJ Cherry Blossoms, Part 2

Hey Guys!

Hope the week is going well for you all ! I’ve been pretty busy or at least trying to keep myself busy. Here are the part 2 pictures from the Patricia Chambers Cherry Blossoms Grove at Branch Brook Park in Newark, NJ. I am proud to be from jersey when you learn that your local county park is the oldest in America. Also, they have the most Cherry Blossoms in this side of the hemisphere, totaling over 4,000. You can even see in the metal tags on each tree. If you’re visiting Northern New Jersey or New York City, come stop by for pictures and a lovely afternoon stroll.

Enjoy! and don’t forget to visit my portfolio if you would like to book me for your event!

cherry blossoms - newark, new jersey 2

cherry blossoms - newark, new jersey 1
cherry blossoms - newark, new jersey 4

cherry blossoms - newark, new jersey 3

Sun-Setting Wedding

The sun was setting on a beautiful Saturday evening in New Jersey. The couple decided to do it outside and in style. It was a gorgeous view as the sun was crashing the horizon, given off vibrant oranges, purples and reds. I was glad to be the photographer and I hope you all enjoy the photos. Be sure to always visit my tumblr and my facebook page. Don’t hesitate to add me on twitter neither.

Park full of Cherry Blossoms Shoot

Last sunday, i had the pleasure of attending the last day of Newark’s Cherry Blossom Festival. A lot of people didn’t know that Newark is amongst the top 5 in Cherry Blossom Festivals around the whole world. Next time i will visit all day and take more pictures. I had a shoot with a young female and we enjoyed the air and view and utilized it to our fullest potential. Hopefully, you enjoy the shots. be sure to hit the like button on my facebook page here. Enjoy, leave a comment and view the rest of the shots there or on my tumblr.